Masaka Diocesan Medical Services

Caritas MADDO launches 2018 / 2023  strategic plan

Caritas MADDO launched its strategic work plan for 2018 / 2023 on 16th August 2019.  Peter Van Erum a volunteer from Horizont 3000 who was the chief facilitator and technical advisor of the preparation of the processing of the plan while giving opening remarks, noted that the strategic work plan should not be looked as a must have for any organization or a legal requirement for organization.

Neither should it be put on the shelf for distribution to stakeholders. He went on to say that even when it is important for stakeholders because it is like a signpost, a PR document that shows MADDO’s ambitions, assuring various stakeholders that MADDO knows what it is doing. And it being a sign of professionalism of MADDO.

But it should be a working document and tool. Fr. Raphael Ssemmanda the Director Caritas MADDO postulated that launching the strategic plan was an alert signal to implementers that it was time to take action especially to the staff. Peter noted that while it is easy to make a plan, it was a different thing to implement it, so he asked all the staff of MADDO to be committed.

The strategic plan that ended 2013-2018 had focused on having a society of persons involved in holistic development and the mission was to foster development among the people of Masaka Diocese regardless of the religious and political affiliations. However, for the year 2018-2013 the vision is having communities in Masaka Diocese holistically developed and self-sustaining. It will be the mission of MADDO to build the capacity of community organizations for sustain able development in Masaka Diocese.

Masaka Diocesan Medical Services was to spearhead provision of sustainable and quality health care through: Increasing access to quality health care services in all Diocesan Health Institutions, strengthening governance and management system in all Health Institutions in line with Diocesan standards, contributing to the reduction of HIV/AIDS incidences and mitigation of its effects and finally increasing access to quality and affordable pharmaceuticals in Masaka Diocese.

The Vicar General Msgr. Dominic Ssengooba, after launching the work plan, he hand a copy to each of the staff of Caritas MADDO

In the same vein, the Vicar General who was the chief guest for the day noted that it was such a big achievement to have a work plan and have it launched. He emphasized that planning was a good trait for any organization. He noted that planning helps an organization to be effective and efficient. He encouraged MADDO to continue establishing cooperatives because this would help to improve communities through joint ventures. He wished a successful implementation of the plan.