Masaka Diocesan Medical Services

MASAKA DIOCESAN HEALTH OFFICE: Child Safeguarding Policy And Code Of Conduct

Masaka Diocesan Medical services (MDMS)  is a semi-autonomous department legally registered and governed by Board of Directors who are responsible for the formulation of key policies and guidelines, besides providing an oversight function for all projects’ activities.  The management and governance of the organization is guided by a number of policy documents which include: the personnel handbook, financial manual, Charter policy on transport and procurement procedures. The organization has operational offices in Greater Masaka districts in East Central Region. MDMS delivers services through three thematic areas namely, coordination of diocesan health facilities, medical supplies chain management and Community Based Health Services which include HIV and OVC services

Section Two: Policy Statement

MDMS policy on safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults will be in line with the appropriate National Legal Framework as follows; 

  • The Constitution of Uganda 1995;
  • The children´s Amendment Act 2016 chapter 59;
  • The penal code Act (offences against morality)