Masaka Diocesan Medical Services

Denis Kyango Health Center IIIHealth Center III , Kalisizo Kyotera


St. Denis Kyango Health Center III is located in Kyotera District Kalisizo Sub – county Kyango Village 2kilometers from Kalisizo town along Ddimu road.

Back ground

St. Denis Kyango was started in 1986 as a dispensary by the Late Rev. Fr. Denis Ddamulira on a private basis to enable the community access the basic health services. In 2002 it was registered as a Health centre III and later handed over to Masaka Diocese which is the current management body.


St. Denis Kyango Health Center III is private not for profit owned by Masaka Diocese under the supervision of Diocesan health coordinator in conjunction with Uganda catholic Medical Bureau.

Catchment population

The health unit severs 3920 people covering Jongoza, Kyango, Kakuza, Kikondo and Mitondo villages. It also extends its services to Kalisizo, Lwankoni, Kyesiiga, Kyanamukaka and Kirumba sub counties.

Services offered  

The health centre offers services as below;

  • Outpatient services
  • Inpatient services
  • Laboratory services
  • Maternity services
  • Antenatal services
  • Immunization services
  • Natural family planning
  • HIV testing, Counseling, Care and Treatment.

Brief history of the health unit

Since the health unit started in 1986, it has had several in charges from the late Dr Mukasa, then Dr. Wagumbulizi followed by several in charges who Departed few years after appointment due to poor administration and management of human resource. It is currently headed by Muwonge Innocent who was appointed in 2014 and is the Long lasting in charge.

Table 1: Accessibility. 

The accessibility has been improving from 2014 after the new HUMC and In charge were appointed almost in every department as illustrated in the table below.

services 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Outpatients 637 4125 6412 9887 9796 10201
inpatients 101 914 1018 1204 1585 1731
deliveries 25 59 121 148 173 194
ANC 72 95 208 231 271 374
BCG 52 63 58 112 133 155
DPT1 115 65 67 122 114 142
DPT3 66 51 68 95 96 119
Measles 48 45 73 59 91 79

Health Unit Performance 

Financial year




Antenatal care






















  • A health and reconciled life for all individuals their families and communities


  • In faithfulness to the mission of Christ, we provide professional and sustainable health services, through partnership to enable the population live their life to the full.


  • To contribute to the provision of quality and sustainable health services to the community.

Core Values

  • God first
  • Respect for human life
  • Non-discrimination
  • Patient centered
  • Transparency and accountability
  • Teamwork

Staff Composition

Current staff of St.Denis Kyango Heslth Centre 3, Matale Catholic Parish,Kyotera District, Masaka Diocese
Current staff of St.Denis Kyango Heslth Centre 3, Matale Catholic Parish,Kyotera District, Masaka Diocese

The Health unit currently has 8 staffs, 5 are clinical 1 is a cashier and 2 are support staff that work as a team headed by the in charge.
They are namely;

  1. Muwonge Innocent – In charge
  2. Mugumya James – Clinical Officer
  3. Owashaba Hildah – Lab Assistant
  4. Bwegombe Irene – Midwife
  5. Nakayima Tereza Mourene – (BCM), Clinician
  6. Nalubega Justine – Cashier
  7. Bizimungu Joseph – Cleaner
  8. Kakooza Vincent – Guard

HUMC Members

  1. Rev. Henry Mulindwa, PhD (HUMAC Chairman).
  2. Mrs. Jane Naluyiga Nyanzi
  3. Mrs. Geturde Kakande
  4. Mr. James Mulindwa
  5. Mr. John Bosco Kivumbi
  6. Ms. Florence Namugumya
  7. Mr. Antonio Kalyango
  8. Mr. Patrick Muwanga
  9. Mr. Innocent Muwonge (In-charge)
  10. Fr. Jude Kalungi
  11. Fr. Emmanuel Katabaazi (ex-officio)
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