St. Bernard’s Mannya Health CenterHealth Centre III, Kyotera
St. Bernard’s Mannya Health Centre III is a primary health care facility currently affording about 17,828 people annually access to quality Comprehensive essential health care. It was founded as a health centre II in 2007, however construction works had begun way back in 2006. Fr. Mugisha Nestus then the parish priest was key in founding this community resource. He did not only mobilise the community to construct the health centre but also Australian friends who later financially facilitated the process, and had the health centre operating in 2007. It was upgraded to Health Centre III status in 2012 since then Mannya Health Centre is an ongoing concern.
The Health Centre currently maintains 8 active partnerships with the following entities:-
- Cotton On Foundation
- Rakai Local Government
- Micro finance partners for Africa
- Joint Medical Store.
- Life Net international
- RHSP-UCMB Consortium
- Medical Access Uganda Ltd.
- Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau
These partnerships have played a role in preventing financial inaccessibility of quality & comprehensive health services at the health centre. Furthermore, they guard against catastrophic health expenditure on health by poor community members.
Recently, one of the partners has committed to starting an income generating project for needy mothers. This project will be hinged on the tenets of micro-financing and reciprocal benefit. In the event, this is hoped to reduce the prevalence of financial inaccessibility among the community members.
St. Bernard Manya Health Centre
P.O Box 04
Kyotera – Rakai
Tel: +256-392-000-185
Email: stbernardmannya@ucmb.co.ug
Program Website
The health centre currently employs 27 people. They are all committed to its vision and mission. 17 of staff are frontline health workers whereas the rest are other posts essential to health centre’s operations.
Our Vision:
A Centre of excellence Providing Comprehensive Primary healthcare package with an imprint on health status of all people in Rakai Region.
Our Mission:
To provide quality healthcare services using community admissible technology to contribute to health and wellbeing of communities in faithfulness to the mission of Christ.
- Implementation of community health insurance to ensure sustained health financing of health care services.
- Responding to maternal mortality through providing comprehensive obstetric services.
- Responding to the need of improving quality and safety of health care through acquisition of male, female, children & Surgical wards.

Contact us at the Masaka Diocesan Medical Services (MDMS) office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.
Masaka Diocesan Medical Services (MDMS) really helped us achieve our financial goals.